Uh yeah, no not the bedroom you dirty monkeys! I thought it would be fun to post a snapshot of my workspace, where I do all my work! It’s very clean today, I straightened up 🙂 To the right of my PC is my iPod and my Nintendo DS. The iPod to stream music through, the Nintendo DS to procrastinate. In back off the PC is a pile of bills I have to pay, as well as a portable DVD player I got for Christmas and a stack of movies I’ve rented. "House of the Dead 2" is on top if you must know. Sometimes I watch a DVD when I’m doing my work, though it tends to be distracting. To the left of my PC is my current stack of school work I’m making my way through. When I get through it I have about 5 more piles of those! On top of the school work is a cheap webcam I pulled out. Over in the side bar I added a live webcam snapshot. When I feel I look somewhat acceptable maybe I’ll turn it on from time to time. Or I can aim it at the floor and you can watch the dogs play. Unfortunately it’s not the best of webcams, so I might have to invest in a nicer one.


2 Replies to “Where The Magic Happens”

  1. Your desk is all clean. Mine is disgusting. Im finishing undergrad this week, and also had teachers college stuff….so my desk is an explosion of paper funness

    Its getting cleaned tonight as Im basically done school today 😀

  2. awwwe u tidied up just for us 😀 My laptop is on my bed … and my room is a disaster right now … ughhh I so need to clean it .. thanks for making me feel bad hahahah!!

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