I had the worst, yet weirdest, dream last night I wanted to share. I was in Virginia at my mom’s, and Princess was in the backyard. Nikko didn’t exist in this dream. I was heading home (on foot) when I saw a hyena in the neighbors yard. The weird thing is, it was more of a computer animated hyena than a real looking one. It was also laughing at me with an evil human laugh. I freaked out because I knew Princess was in the backyard, so I ran home to check on her. The nasty hyena had bitten her leg, she couldn’t walk on it and was bleeding! I quickly went to call the vet, but all the numbers weren’t working. Then when I finally got through it was one of those damn “Push 1 for . . . Push 2 if . . . Push 3 for . . . ” systems! I don’t remember anymore of the dream.


1 Reply to “Terrible Dog Dream!”

  1. I think you’ve seen one too many horror flicks! Have you ever had one of those dreams where your being chased and you can only run in slow motion! I hate those.

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