Farah, oh Farah, how you are loved. Everyday they come in large numbers, From the far off unknown lands of Yahoo, Google and MSNsearch. They…
What More Can I Do To Myself?
At some point this week/weekend I stubbed my big toe on my left foot. I don’t recall what I did this on though, but it’s…
I Need Ohh La La La La
Heads up! If you have an iPod or iTunes, the free download of the week is Goldfraps “Ohh La La.” I took a chance on…
Do I Need To Get A Life?
I saw this on some other blogs and decided to participate. If you’ve seen over 70 of these movies then apparently you need to get…
Silent Hill: The Movie
Head over to http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/silenthill/ and check out the website for the movie Silent Hill, based on the popular video game series. While your there check…
Real World: Key West
This is Svetlana from MTV’s upcoming “Real World: Key West.” She’s 19 years old, Russian, and a pre-med student at Temple University. Hey that’s my…
Two Mostly Uneventful Night
Last night was pretty uneventful. Went to dinner at a local Irish pub. The food was good, the pub was WAY too smoky. Left wreaking…
A Swinging Good Time
So tomorrow night I’m going out to celebrate my friend J’s birthday. I’m meeting her and her friends at an Irish Pub in Philly for…