So I’m watching American Idol, only because it’s the auditions. They are the only part I ever watch. Anyways, I just saw a commercial for Skating with Celebrities (a take off of Dancing with the Stars). I might have to watch that, some of those celebrities faces met the ice . . . HARD. I think there is also a version coming up where celebrities roller disco. What else can they do? I don’t think much is left. Singing with the Stars?


3 Replies to “Blanking With Celebrities”

  1. I think they already had a Singing With the Stars…really! My husband and I were talking about how we have to watch the ice scating show because it looks hilarious (in a strange look-at-them-make-As@#$#-of-themselves kind of way). Anything with Todd Bridges and “Deborah” Gibson should prove to be entertaining. Have a good day.

  2. VH1 recently had a “But Can They Sing?” celebrity show. It had “stars” like Morgan Fairchild, Carmine Gotti and etc. It was really bad, but really funyy, and sadly I found it really addicting:)

  3. I did see a bit of “Can They Sing.” It was bad. I didn’t even know who half of the stars were on it. Oh yeah, I don’t think Todd Bridges counts as a star, he’s a criminal (or ex-con to be PC)

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