10 Replies to “New Puppy Photo!”

  1. Did you know he was going to be black? He is absolutely precious…TW OZ, right? It suits him. You are going to have your hands full for Christmas. Congradulations!

  2. Ohhhh… what a cutie pie!! Princess will have her brother for Xmas after all. He looks like a keeper. Congrats and good luck potty training in the winter:)

  3. I didn’t know what color he would be, but I knew the colors of the breeds. I was hoping for Black or Red 🙂 However his puppy color doesn’t always determine his full grown coat color. I have read that.

    As for potty training, I feel bad. I have to go away for a vacation at the end of January and leave him with my mom and brother (to wiz all over their house!)

  4. I can see his future nickname: the great and powerful wizzing oz!! Don’t worry about leaving, trying to potty train a puppy when its wintery cold and snowy is NOT fun! Especially if the snow banks are higher than the puppy is tall!

  5. Absolutely adorable!! The wizzing oz… that’s a good one 🙂 Now, is it just me, or does he have blue eyes?!

  6. How cute!! I love every thing about him. I hope it doesn’t get to hard for you, you know with the other one being jelous. But I’m sure they will become real close to each other. Congratulations!!

  7. Congratulations!!! So adorable and what a great name! I wish you lived closer because the theatre I work at is actually doing “Wizard of Oz” this March and we need a TOTO! Happy Holidays and all that good stuff!!

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