For the longest time now I’ve considered getting an ipod. Now I have an MP3 player already, but it’s not an ipod. It’s a IRiver flash player that only holds between 10-13 albums at most. I like it because it’s small and it doesn’t have a hard drive, so I can take it to the gym and not worry about skipping or being too rough with it.

It has its downsides though. It doesn’t hold much music obviously, and because it’s about a year and a half old it’s not compatible with a lot of the new music download sites. It won’t allow me to upload their files as they have to be verified as authentic or some nonsense by the MP3 player. There is a way around this with a few extra steps though.

So this leads me to the whole ipod issue. Last night I saw the video ipod commercials and thought cool! Then I looked up the price, wow, not sure if I love the idea of an ipod that much!

I know there are less expensive ipods, but they don’t have the cool video screen. Honestly, I don’t see the point of buying a screenless ipod when my mp3 player does what it does, it just doesn’t hold all the music.

So do you have ipods? Do you love them? I know my friend does. I downloaded the itunes software last night to fool around with it. I see there is no subscription plan, or is there? I thought it would be like napster where if you pay ten bucks a month you got unlimited downloads. Doesn’t look like it.

Are the podcasts fun? That might be something I could get into. Music wise I’d probably just rip my own CDs onto the ipod rather than buy music. I might buy a song or two if I didn’t want to waste money on an entire CD. The tvshows, videos and podcasts look neat though.


5 Replies to “Ipods: Do You Love Them?”

  1. I know there are less expensive ipods, but they don’t have the cool video screen. Honestly, I don’t see the point of buying a screenless ipod when my mp3 player does what it does, it just doesn’t hold all the music.

    “Screenless iPod” meaning one that can’t doesn’t have the capacity to show television shows and videos? The iPod Nano has a good screen that you can see album covers on and view photos while still listening to music or audio books. There have been some complaints that the Nano screen scratched too easily, but a clear sleeve ships with them now.

    Also, the Nano uses flash memory, so you can easily bring it to the gym, etc. and not worry about skipping.

    So do you have ipods? Do you love them?

    I have an blue iPod mini which I absolutely adore. (They’re getting phased out to make room for the Nano… and frankly, the screen on the Nano is so much better than the Mini anyway.) I use a Monster Cable so I can utilize the Mini in my Toyota and that works great, too.

    I’m biased, though, since I’ve been a Mac user for almost as long as I’ve been using computers. Having worked with both PCs (at work) and Macs for school and home, I genuinely prefer the Mac for trouble free use. So my fandom extends to a lot of the other Mac products. =)

    (For your amusement, here’s an article entitled “May the Force of the Operating System be with You: Macintosh Devotion as Implicit Religion.” Ahhh, sociologists.)

    I downloaded the itunes software last night to fool around with it. I see there is no subscription plan, or is there?

    If you go to the left and click on “Music Store” you can sort through the different selections. 99 cents a download for songs, and the audiobooks have different prices. The podcasts are currently free, although I haven’t explored those yet.

    Music wise I’d probably just rip my own CDs onto the ipod rather than buy music. I might buy a song or two if I didn’t want to waste money on an entire CD.

    Uh, yeah, I said that too for about a year. 😉 I ripped my whole CD collection the first week after I bought the Mini and then finally gave into temptation. To be honest, I was worried that i wouldn’t be able to control my iTunes habit… I know a couple of people who suddenly realize they’ve downloaded $300 worth of music in a month. But to get around that I just bought myself an iTunes gift card and limit myself to $25 at a time. So far I’m still on my first gift card.

  2. Ipods are great. No subscription plan needed. All songs are just .99 so no need to get what you don’t want. Everyone I know that has one loves it.

  3. Sorry SisterMary, you comment got trapped in spam guard for some reason, I freed it. I was just lazy and hadn’t checked it latelty!

    The audiobooks idea i really like. There are lots of books i would like to read, I just don’t have the time! I’m currently “reading” 3 books, some I started over a year ago.

    However the audio books aren’t cheap! Ack.

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